The Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) has awarded SICE the Lot 9, corresponding to “Systems in the First Phase of Implementation of the tram network in Barcelona”. This decision represents an important milestone in the improvement of mobility and connectivity in the city.
Since 2004, the Barcelona Metropolitan Region has had two modern tramway line networks: TramBaix and TramBesòs, operated by the TRAM Barcelona business group. While the two networks share almost identical technology and rolling stock, they are separated by almost 4 km in distance, which prevents the autonomous movement of trams from one side to the other.
In recent years, Barcelona City Council has been promoting a major urban and mobility transformation of the Diagonal axis, from Plaça de les Glòries to Plaça Francesc Macià. This transformation includes the unification of the TramBesòs and TramLlobregat sections, creating a single tramway line connecting the two ends of the city.
Lot 9, awarded to SICE, covers the implementation of the telecommunications and railway systems in the new projected section. In Phase 1, this section will cover the route between Glòries and Verdaguer, and will include 4 new stops: Verdaguer, Sicilia, Monumental and the Glòries interchange.
The route of the unified tramway network has characteristics of the TramBaix and TramBesòs networks, as well as particularities of the new link between Glòries and Francesc Macià. This link will have a power supply system through a third rail on the track platform floor, as well as new geopositioning and train detection systems.

The scope of the collaboration between SICE and ATM includes several key aspects for the efficient and safe operation of the unified tramway network. These include:
- Road Signaling: Implementation of traffic light, geopositioning and train detection systems, as well as wireless communication with traffic light controllers.
- Railway Signaling: Installation of railway signaling systems and track drives.
- Communications Network: Development of a communications ring between the new stops and the TRAM Control Center, which will include a backbone network and an access network.
- Operation Support System SAE: Implementation of train detection systems for the TRAM operation system.
- SCADA: Remote monitoring and control of fixed installation equipment at stops and electrical substations.
- Radio Operation: Establishment of TETRA wireless communications for tramway operation.
- Closed Circuit Television (CCTV): Installation of a video surveillance system throughout the new section.
- At stops: Passenger Information System, Public Address System, Intercom-Telephony, and Automatic Fare Collection.