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SICE will perform the integration of the control systems of the Caldearenas Tunnel, the longest one in the port of Monrepós in Huesca

SICE will perform the integration of the control systems of the Caldearenas Tunnel, the longest one in the port of Monrepós in Huesca

The Caldearenas tunnel, which is over 3 km long and scheduled to open this year (2018), will have a SCADA SIDERA control and application system developped by SICE.

The 3-km Caldearenas tunnel (A-23 motorway) is the longest and most important tunnel being built in the port of Monrepós (Huesca). This tunnel offers a significant improvement in communications and the consequent reduction in travel times in the Pamplona – Jaca – Huesca – Lérida axis. The work is currently being completed, and it is scheduled for the tunnel to open throughout 2018.

SICE is currently working on the installation of security and control systems, integrating the latest security and user communication systems. The company will develop the local SCADA of the tunnel developed over SIDERA, the control platform widely implemented in many national and international tunnels.

Apart from the centralized technical tunnel management system, SICE will implement the variable signaling, communications and SOS enclosure systems, as well as video surveillance, Automatic Incident Detection (AID), thermal cameras, public address systems, fire detection, lighting and ventilation control, and power supply monitoring.

This contract strengthens SICE’s position as the undisputed leader in tunnel control systems, following last year’s award of the development of SIDERA-OP, the monitoring and control application for all the tunnels managed by the Tunnel Control Center that the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Ministerio de Fomento) has at the port of Monrepós.

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